Please read more about our services below. They will often be used in combination with each other to ensure holistic treatment.




A medical practice that has been used for thousands of years in China, acupuncture is based on the idea that the natural balance in our bodies can be disrupted by illness. Thin needles are placed in specific areas during treatment to redirect the energy of the body and help restore stability and harmony. Many people feel relaxed after a session, and experience improved sleep, digestion, and energy.

See studies.

Best for:

Physical pain
Mental health
anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia, etc.
Reproductive health
fertility, endometriosis, PMS, etc.
Digestion & respiratory challenges


75-minute initial consult & treatment: $100
60-minute follow-up treatment: $80



Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is a holistic practice that considers the whole individual and their specific needs. It is often taken internally as a tea 2 to 3 times daily, and often given in concentrated powder, which only needs to be dissolved in hot water before drinking. There are also manufactured pills, topical herbal patches, soaks, and liniments for common imbalances.

See studies.

Best for:

Common cold & seasonal allergies
Hormonal imbalances & women’s health
Gastrointestinal concerns
IBS, constipation, diarrhea, etc.


30-minute herbal consultation: $45
The price of the herbs are separate from this consultation and usually cost about $25 per week of treatment.




This type of ancient bodywork uses glass suction cups to increase blood circulation and promote cell repair in designated ares of the body. It is especially effective at relieving muscle tension and breaking up knots. Cupping can also be used for congestion in the lungs when there is difficulty expectorating. Some bruising can result from these treatments, but it is not serious and usually fades away in about 4 days.

See studies.

Best for:

Muscle tension & pain
Cough and dyspnea


30-minute session: $45
There is no separate charge if cupping is used during acupuncture.